
Qualitative Services

Quantitative research is a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.

In this research method, researchers and statisticians deploy mathematical frameworks and theories that pertain to the quantity under question.






Research rapid to the need of better sampling and dives through the flexibility with IDIs to meet the objective of the research project. While conducting TDIs, the study and PII is kept confidential. It is only with the prior permission and consent of the respondent when recoding of the discussion is taken.


Research rapid design focus groups to offer engaging and insightful activities for our participants and clients alike. We facilitate FGDs by keeping in mind the availability & convenience of the consumers and the facility arrangement as per client requirements.


Ethnographic research support provides comprehensive information about the consumer in terms of approach, cultural trends, routine factors and how social framework impacts product selection and usage. Our researchers closely observe and examine home environment, ask questions and listen to get insights into customer tendencies, responses, and difficulties.


Main objective of conducting a Mystery Shopping exercise is to evaluate the quality of service that has been provided to the customer or to provide information about various operational aspects, so that the services offered to the customer can be improved. At Philomath, it is ensured to use the most objective and unbiased way of find out the true feedback by enacting as a consumer.